Kion Essential Amino Acids

Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) are the building blocks of protein, energy, and total body health. They help you grow and maintain lean muscle mass, speed up recovery, improve mental performance, and more.

As the foundation of protein in your body, being deficient in any amino acid could hold you back from reaching your goals on and off the court.

That’s why taking a high-quality EAA supplement is a great way to get the aminos you need to reach total body health and peak performance.

Kion Aminos are pure EAAs for energy, strength, and recovery.

New research shows that EAA supplements rich in the amino acid, leucine, work even better than traditional EAAs to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, aid in muscle repair, and support athletic recovery.*

Kion Aminos contain 40% leucine, with the remaining EAAs in optimal, scientifically backed ratios shown to help you grow stronger muscles and recover faster — this is especially important for the high performance pre-teen or teenage girl who is most often breaking down muscle faster than she is able to rebuild it.

Unlock your best performance with Kion Aminos (and get started with the mango flavor, it’s the best!).